Tacklife Robotic Pool Cleaner

  • If you have a pool, this is for you
  • If you don’t have a pool, this is probably not for you
  • So, yeah
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We've Created A Monster

Anyone else getting tired of the same old monsters. Dracula? More like Drab-ula! Zombies? A bunch of real zom-bozos! Werewolves? Get-the-hell-outta-here, wolves! Enough with the masked killers using gardening implements, with the typical ghosts and ghouls, and enough with the clowns! No, it’s about time we forge a bold new direction in horror. I’ve even roped in our own resident monster-sculptor @KoolHandJoe for his expert opinions on the matter. Let’s see what we’ve got.


Fishhooks are terrifying. Tiny barbed claws made specifically to pierce through skin and not let go if you pull away? It’s like needles, but worse. I mean, hooks and chains have always staples in horror. I’m sure there are fishhooks involved too, somewhere. If not, give me a horror movie villain using a fishing rod. Or just a flail of fishhooks.

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