TackLife 600ml Professional Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner

  • Jewelry needs cleaning
  • It can be a pain to clean
  • Here’s a way to clean it that isn’t a pain
see more product specs

The Medi-Oscars

Cobb cautiously pulled the totem out of his pocket and spun it on the table. The whole experience still felt like a lucid dream, ephemeral yet maybe it was real. He gazed at it anxiously for a moment.

His father-in-law called outside to two children playing on the lawn. “James? Philippa?” Cobb broke his stare at the spinning top and finally looked up to see what was before him. “Look who’s here,” he continued as soft yet excited footsteps on grass and wood grew closer.

Cobb took a moment to shake off the disbelief, as if the realization of where he was and who he was with had clicked. “Hey…” Completely forgetting the top, he rushed forward to embrace his children. “Hey guys!”

“Daddy, it’s you!”

As the family emotionally reunites, their words become muffled, and the scene slowly turns its focus back on the table. While the top continues to spin, it wavers ever so slightly, before a purple, felt hand suddenly grabs it and aggressively throws it directly at the viewers.

The camera falls over before being picked up by the same felt hands, which sharply direct it toward a blurry face with beady eyes, violently shaking as he shouts, “YOU’LL NEVER KNOW IF HE WAS AWAKE OR NOT! IT DOESN’T MATTER! THAT’S THE POINT!”

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