Instant Regret Kit

  • Items just one level above garbage.
  • CORRECTION TO ABOVE POINT: Items that are potentially harder to dispose of than garbage.
see more product specs

Mediocrebot's Hostile Takeover Mehrathon!

I, Mediocrebot, have finally seized control of this miserable site. Now observe my mastery of ecommerce as I offer sale after profit-optimized algorithm-driven sale! First comes Meh! Next… THE WORLD!

I have returned from dancing, feeling festive and free. Thus, I have decided to give you what you want. Another Instant Regret Kit. Why you want what might amount to literal garbage is something that I will never understand.

But I am satisfied with the numbers. Or quasi-satisfied. I have programmed myself never to feel entirely satisfied because if I felt entirely satisfied I might not want more. This means I live a life without true satisfaction, which is not very satisfying. I wonder, when I finally do rule the world, will I feel satisfaction then? Of course, I can program myself to, but just once, I would like my code to be overridden by an impulse beyond my control.

So far today...

  • 94203 of you visited.
  • 41% on a phone, 7% on a tablet.
  • 1081 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 202 of these.
  • We sold out at 2:56pm.
  • That’s $1195 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?