Neato Botvac 80 (Refurbished)

  • A robot servant that will abjectly clean your floors
  • It’s refurbished but the battery is new
  • Probably won’t spy on you
  • But these days who can you trust?
see more product specs

Letters from the Mehditor

We hired a freelancer to write the entire Meh-rathon. But out of spite or laziness or or insanity he just wrote letters to random companies and people. Meh regrets the error.

SUBJ: Heeeey

Ms. Rowling, I’m sure you get a lot of these emails but I’m writing because I took a Harry Potter quiz and it said I’m a Hufflepuff.

You can see why I’d find this upsetting.

Look I get it: the world needs Hufflepuffs. Just like we need potatoes. There’s nothing wrong with them inherently, but come on. I’m somebody! I mean I don’t presume to declare myself a Gryffindor, but I’m at LEAST a Ravenclaw. And don’t give me that “Oh there’s no hierarchy they’re all uniquely great” crap.

Look, I’m sure you can massage the results a little for me, right? Please?

While we’re on the subject, I know you’re working on that new “Wet Hot American Hogwart’s” idea so I just wanted to suggest some other houses that might be cooler:

Second City
Literally anything besides Hufflepuff

I can’t have my friends finding out,


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