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Kindle Paperwhite E-reader (7th Gen, Refurbished)

  • Not actual firewood, we’re told.
  • Read books the only way our robot overlords of the future will allow!
  • 7th gen, refurbished.
  • Model: 3Z-R34D3R
see more product specs

Oh, the Mehmories: a Birthday Meh-rathon!

For our birthday this year, we’re putting on a Meh-rathon to honor the people that make this site so great. That’s right: we’re talking about US! So please, enjoy this epic celebration–or… sell-ebration?–by shopping, laughing, buying, sharing your thoughts, sharing your money, and buying!

Speaking of Meh and memories and ereaders, we’d be remiss not to mention the latest release from Meh Books: Money, Greed, and A Deal Every Night. That’s right, it’s Irk’s new tell-all memoir! Lay your eyes on these salacious excerpts:

“What’s wrong?” I said to Adam Driver. “Haven’t you ever seen a yacht made entirely of Rowkins before?”

“Sometimes I feel like the Roomba, roaming the floor with machine-like efficiency, sucking up every last bit of money,” I told my assistant. “But sometimes I feel like the floor.”

“I’m not sure I follow,” my assistant said.

“Then you’re fired!” I screamed. But there was no assistant there. It was just the drugs again.

There I was, in jail once more, on my one phone call, screaming into the receiver, “JUST TELL ME YOU GOT THE ZMODO DEAL DONE!”

Wow, pretty tantalizing, huh? Anyway, buy this Kindle and you can read the whole thing for yourself!

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  • 80767 of you visited.
  • 41% on a phone, 7% on a tablet.
  • 1856 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 150 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $9388 total.
  • (including shipping)

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